If you want to compare KiBi EVO with another carrier, these informations can be useful:

Carrier weight - 850 g
Weight of the whole package including instructions - 1100 g
Minimum waist circumference / maximum waist circumference - 60 cm / 135 cm
Backrest width minimum / highest - 31 cm / 51 cm
Height of backrest minimum / maximum - minimum 32 cm (yours depending on whether the inner folded headrest) / 52 cm
Headrest - yes (when worn on in front, the backrest can be pulled over baby´s head, the larger headrest is stitched for bigger children)
Padded waist belt - yes, soft padding (firm padding on order).
Shaped shoulder straps - yes, soft padding.
Adjustable padding on the shoulder strap - yes.
Possibility to cross straps behind your back - yes.
Waist belt buckle - yes, with lock.
Possibility to have the carrier on the waist and folded, where the child is not wearing - yes.
Possibility to wear in front, on the side and back - yes.
Designed for children from 4-6 months to 3 years.
Maximum tested load 20 kg.
Health certificate - yes (materials, functionality of the carrier and chemical safety tested at TZÚ Brno and fulfil the Czech regulatory norm 84/2001 SB. for fabrics for children up to three years and European standards for cloth carrier EN 13209-2: 2015).
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